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ऐक्रेलिक बॉन्डिंग एजेंट पॉलीबॉन्ड एक्रो

POLYBOND ACRO Polybond Acro is basically an modified Copolymer of very fine particle size which can be used to modify ordinary cement mortars & cement concrete mortars. Mortars modified with Polybond Acro have excellent adhesion to different substrates such as brick, masonry, concrete and wood etc. The modified mortar highly improves the mechanical properties ie. Compressive strength, Impact strength & Flexural strength. It can also used as base coat for waterproofing of Terraces, Bathrooms, Swimming Pools, Podiums etc.

Gypbond is a single component bonding chemical specially formulated to achieve a strong bond between RCC (concrete) surface and gypsum plasters. It offers a strong chemical and mechanical bonding between the RCC surface and gypsum. It eliminates the need of hacking the RCC members thereby saving time and labour. It saves the cost of cement plasters in ceiling etc completely. There is no risk of debonding as such in cement plasters.